✨️Just Jaylynn✨️

A Collection of Pictures, Adventures, & Personal Growth. All for His Glory.

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Hey family!

Okay, wow, so much has happened in the last couple of weeks, and I’d love to catch you all up!

First things first, my team and I left Thessaloniki, Greece, and hopped on a train to Athens. Honestly, Athens was everything I pictured Greece to be—super beautiful and full of history. We even got to visit the Acropolis, which was incredible! Standing there, surrounded by ancient ruins, was just too cool. Definitely a highlight of the trip.

But, of course, things didn’t stop there. Long story short, we met up with the whole squad at this random Christian camp while we were trying to figure out our flights to Guatemala. After some serious travel chaos (like 4 flights 🤯), we finally made it to Guatemala, with a few stops in between: Egypt, New York, and Panama! We were a bit delayed, but honestly, God really took care of us throughout the whole journey. It was honestly kind of wild being reunited with the squad after two months apart. It felt like we were all just picking up where we left off.

Once we finally settled into our Adventures in Missions base in Guatemala, we had some amazing teachings and orientation from the staff. The people here are so kind, and it’s been great learning from them. We’ve also been able to explore some nearby towns and do what’s called “activation” on Thursdays, which is when we get a teaching and then go out and apply it through ATL (Ask the Lord). It’s been so cool to put what we’re learning into action, alongside the wonderful base staff. They are truly here to help guide us and help us press in while here in Guate!

My teams ministry for the next few months is going to be with Reindom (Kingdom in Spanish is “Reino” – isn’t that such a cool name?). They do a bunch of things, from feeding programs to teaching classes, and I’m really excited to dive in and get more involved with them. I’ve only had one day with them so far, but it was special because I got to go with my parents!! Yup, Kim and Chris made the trip all the way here to see me after seven months! It was a little weird at first, not gonna lie, but honestly, it was so nice to get a hug from them! Having them here was kind of a big deal, and it was a huge reminder of how much I’ve grown being away.

Also, they got to come do ministry with me for a couple of days. It was amazing to see them loving on a bunch of kids, especially the one day when we served water while watching them play soccer. I also witnessed my parents together be total prayer warriors when we were out doing ATL and house visits in a town up in the mountains. We met a lady named Alisha, who’s a widow working hard to support her family. Her son, Jose, has special needs, and we got to pray for him. It was so humbling to see her faith and strength, and I truly believe that God is going to do something amazing in their lives.

Saying goodbye to my parents was sad, but I know God truly has more for me here. I miss them a ton, but I’m super grateful that they got to experience a part of my life here and see how much I’ve grown in these seven months. I pray that one day, God will use my family to serve together, wherever that may be.

Right now, I’m about three hours away from the base, by the stunning Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. We’re debriefing everything from Greece (and Albania for some of us) and our Parent Vision Trip (PTV). Honestly, I’m super excited to see what God still has planned for my last few months here. I’m trying not to take any of it for granted because there’s so much to learn and experience. Guatemala is honestly such a peaceful and beautiful place, and I can feel God’s presence here in such a calming way. God is always guiding us, but the real question is—are we paying attention? Are we opening our hearts each day, ready to walk the path He’s prepared for us?

Lately, I’ve been really trying to pay attention to what the Lord is calling me to do with my life. There have been a few small trials over the past couple of weeks that have stretched me in ways I didn’t expect, but I trust that God is using them to prepare me for something greater. I’m waiting to see where He’s going to use the new strength and skills I’ve gained through these challenges. Lowkey, it’s not always easy to trust the process, but I know that He has a purpose for every season. Thank you all for the love and prayers! I can’t wait to share more with you soon! ✈️💓

Love you all so much!!

~Jaylynn K



My last Greece family pictures! And Philippi, Greece.

Traveling around in Greece!

Athens, Greece! <3

After spending 8 hours at the airport, heading back to a camp to sleep, then returning to the airport to fly from Greece to Egypt, then New York, followed by Panama, and finally Guatemala!

First days at the base!


Out and about in Antigua, Guatemala!


Adventuring with my parents!


Ministry with my parents!

At lake Atitlan!

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