✨️Just Jaylynn✨️

A Collection of Pictures, Adventures, & Personal Growth. All for His Glory.

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Hey Family!

As I sit down to reflect on my time here in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met, and the ways the Lord has revealed Himself to me. As a recap, my team has had the privilege of working alongside Connie’s Home, which cares for children awaiting international adoption. Each weekday, we serve the children and support the home in any way we can, from playing games to teaching lessons. It has been humbling to be part of something so meaningful, and at times, it has been difficult to put myself in their shoes. To witness their joy and resilience has been so eye opening. God has reminded me that they are not forgotten—they still have a Father who loves them. Our job is to love them the way He would. This is our last week with them, and I’m already going to miss them!!

Along with our work at Connie’s Home, we have been engaging in ATL (Ask The Lord) ministry during the afternoons. This time is dedicated to seeking God’s guidance and walking in obedience. Throughout the past weeks, we have stepped out in faith, engaging with the community and praying for the people we meet. There is something so powerful about showing love in a tangible way, and each act of kindness has felt like a divine opportunity 😀 Some of the highlights of my ATL time include going on prayer walks, distributing meals to those in need, and initiating conversations with Thai locals and tourists to build connections—perhaps planting a little seed here and there!

On Sundays, we’ve had the privilege of attending a Thai church, and it has been such an honor to be part of this vibrant community, even if only for a short time. The warmth and hospitality my team experienced made me feel so welcomed. One of the older ladies at the church reminds me so much of my grandma (Meem-Meem!), with her bold spirit and kind heart. Her presence has been a beautiful reminder of the love that goes beyond cultures and generations. It’s amazing how God’s family can feel so connected, no matter where in the world.

When not in the middle of ministry, some of us on the team have also tried to prioritize some physical health. Whether it’s running through the beautiful streets of Chiang Mai or squeezing in a workout at a local gym, it’s been a good balance to our work and the not so healthy Thai food we eat. Speaking of which, I recently visited my first-ever gym in Thailand – and let me tell you, it was an experience! I never thought I’d be working out in a gym halfway across the world, but here I am! It’s been fun trying to stay active when I can.

As Thanksgiving came around, we had to get creative. Finding a turkey in Thailand is no easy task lol, so my team decided to go to a fun little burger place with delicious “western” food! It wasn’t quite the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but the laughter and connection made it feel special in its own way. And with Christmas fast approaching, it’s hard to believe it’s December! The temperature here is still in the 70s/80s, so Christmas music and the usual holiday vibes haven’t quite hit the same way they do back home… Ngl I’m missing the snow, but I’m trying to embrace the tropical holiday season!

For most of our Saturdays, my team has taken time to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Our first adventure took us to Buatong Waterfall, also known as the “Sticky Waterfall.” It was absolutely stunning! The unique thing about this waterfall is that the rocks are covered in a mineral deposit, making them sticky to the touch. You can literally climb up the waterfall, which was such a fun experience!!! This past weekend, my team headed to a campsite at the top of Doi Pui Peak for Emery’s birthday. The hike was enjoyable and beautiful, but the night wasn’t quite as comfortable as we had hoped (it rained the whole time and my tent flooded, haha). It definitely made us all incredibly grateful for the comfort of our beds! I love that we’ve had the chance to not only explore but also truly appreciate the stunning natural beauty that surrounds us here.

All in all, my time in Chiang Mai has been a beautiful mix of ministry, personal and spiritual growth, adventure, and deepening relationships. From serving at Connie’s Home to engaging in ATL ministry, exploring the night markets, and soaking in the beauty of Thailand, there has been no shortage of blessings. Although it hasn’t been super easy, every challenge has been a reminder of God’s deep love and provision.

As I continue on this journey, I’m reminded of the importance of staying grounded in my faith, finding joy in all things, and experiencing true friendship with Jesus. Please pray for our upcoming weeks, as we will be spending the holidays together as a squad for debrief. With it being everyone’s first time away from home during the holidays, we all just want to remain positive and focused.

Oh also! There’s something called the team leader switch happening. ): We’ve learned that our leader, Gretchen, won’t be joining us in Greece, and Lucy will be stepping in as our new leader. There’s a lot of mixed emotions among the squad, so prayers for positivity and fruitful conversations would be amazing as we wrap up our time here in Asia!! 

This adventure isn’t even close to over yet, and I’m excited to see how God will continue to work in my life and in the lives of those around me here! I love you all and am so thankful for every single prayer! Miss you all! 

This link is if you feel led to support me! >> https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/2024-world-race-gap-year-24g0903/participants/jaylynn-klar

~Jaylynn K


Love these kids!




4 responses to “Life in Thailand!”

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write these blog reports! I am praising the Lord with you for His goodness to you in taking you on this trip and the meaningful experiences you are having. I will continue to pray for you, for this leader switch, for good health and more “ATL” time wherever you go! Thank you, again, and love to you!!

  2. Wow- sounds beautiful, wonderful, and tough all at the same time! Thank you for pushing through the “tough” to plant seeds and be a light!

  3. I miss you so much Jaylynn!! Love reading about how the Lord is working in and through you! Praying for you and your team and I can’t wait to read more about your ministries.

  4. Jaylynn, with each new post the beauty of your writing and the beauty of what God is doing in the lives of others through you is becoming more and more captivating! From your first post to this one your personal growth is prevalent!! It fills my heart and prayers with such joy reading about your amazing adventures! 🙂 Keep pressing in! God is calling you and I am so proud of your dedication to following His voice.

    Love you 💜