✨️Just Jaylynn✨️

A Collection of Pictures, Adventures, & Personal Growth. All for His Glory.

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This past week, the end of August 2024, has been full of eating all my favorite foods, re-checking my packing list, and ton of goodbyes for now.

Goodbyes and attempting to stuff a backpack with almost everything I’ll need for the next nine months, (picture shown below) have been my memorable events for the week. I’ve enjoyed just being in the presence of all of you who I won’t be seeing for a hot minute. <3
My excitement for my trip has gone through the roof as it’s finally setting in! I’m currently on my way to Georgia and other than feeling like I should be treasuring my lasts nights in a real bed, (I’ll be sleeping in a tent for the next two months, yolo) I feel so ready to begin this wild adventure!
God has shown me that worrying is the opposite of having faith. I can’t say I have faith in His plans for me if I’m choosing to still worry about all the little things life might throw at me.

On a slightly different topic, some of you know I’ve had to fundraise for this trip. I am SO blessed too be able to say I only have a bit left to go to be fully funded! My current given amount at the time that I am writing this is $15,160 out of $17,500! 
Thank you to each and every one of you who has felt led to partner with me!
Thank you for all the wonderful prayers, words of wisdom, and all of the much-needed encouragement!

Thank you for taking time to read this, love you all! 

~Jaylynn K


2 responses to “My Week Before”

  1. You speak truth Jaylynn, when you say, “God has shown me that worrying is the opposite of having faith. I can’t say I have faith in His plans for me if I’m choosing to still worry about all the little things life might throw at me.” So good. Thank you for saying Yes to this journey!